A few tips for riding your motorcycle in the rain

On Behalf of | Jun 4, 2019 | Uncategorized |

If you ride in Florida throughout the year, chances are you’ve been caught in a sudden downpour or ten.

It’s a terrible feeling, to look outside of a restaurant and see the rain pouring down, knowing you’re 25 miles from home. But there are a few things bikers can do to prepare for the rain:

Keep extra clothes packed

Even if it’s hot outside, when you ride for a long time in the rain, you’re going to get wet. With that in mind, if you have a decent-sized drybag you should consider stowing another layer of clothing in it. A sweatshirt, some extra gloves and socks can go a long way towards making a ride in the rain tolerable. Consider investing in some waterproof gloves you can keep packed for when it starts to pour.

Invest in your visor

It can be distracting to contend with a fogging visor, especially when you’re constantly battling raindrops on top of it. Consider getting a visor insert that can cut down on fogging. There are several available that claim to reduce fog and keep your visor clear.

Practice safe riding habits before it rains

Rain can turn any road into a slippery mess, especially if it’s a busy one. Oil slicks alone are enough to take traction out from under you, but it’s also important to watch for manhole covers and fresh tar, which can get very slippery when it’s wet.

Practice spotting these obstacles when it’s a sunny day, and soon you will instinctually develop an eye for manhole covers and sealer.

Dealing with traffic

Even if you are completely prepared for driving in the rain, some people behind the wheel aren’t. Other drivers may not be as careful when it comes to road conditions.

If you’re in an accident, talking to an attorney can be an important step towards recovering any injury or damage costs.


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